Teen Fireside Night
Event: Teen Fireside Night
Date: Sunday Nov. 12th 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Calling all Teens! Come out for a night of fun, faith building and s'mores around the fire. Last month we found out that God sticks to us like duct tape, covers you like chalk dust and is our light to run to in dark places. This month we will discover.....well. I don't want to give it all away but there will be finding things that are already there and getting rid of things that don't belong. As always there is fire and s'mores. If you have teens, you will benefit from them coming out to the ranch. Call or text us at 586-484-7178. Don't miss Sunday, November 12th.
What teens said about teen night:
"The illustrations really spoke to me. How God sticks to me and is on me especially, He is the light in the darkness when I go through a hard time, that meant alot to me".
"The strength of the duct tape and the way it was both practical and spiritual really impressed me. God's presence feels strong and meets me when I go through tough times in surprising ways".
"When we were running towards the light it helped me focus, I just kept my eyes forward and ran towards the light".
What adults said about teen night:
"It was so good to see her laughing and smiling, she doesn't usually do that".
"Girls had a great time, thank you".
" Kids loved it and they can be a tough crowd. They liked it alot and that's high praise coming from them, you are a blessing to so many kids'".